Texas Red Stick
Texas Red is a water-soluble stick containing a combination of surfactants and friction reducers. Natural gas bubbling through the water-column, surfactants, and friction reducer produces foam, which can help remove water from watered-up gas wells.
DG - OF Stick
DG-OF are condensate-dispersible water-soluble sticks that contain surfactants that foam both the condensate and water column in gas-condensate wells.
DG - Acid Stick
DG-acid sticks are water-soluble sticks that release acid down-hole in water injection wells to remove carbonate scale and rust deposits. DG-Acid Sticks are a combination of acid, surfactant, dispersing agent, iron sequester, and inhibitor in solid form.
DG - Slick Foam Stick
Water-soluble sticks containing a combination of surfactants and friction/drag reducing additives. Natural gas bubbling, as well as any type of agitation through the water column, surfactants, and friction/drag recucer, produces foam and thickens which can help remove water and solids from watered-up gas wells.
DG - Orange Blast
Water-soluble sticks containing a combination of surfactants and friction reducer. Natural gas bubbling through the water-column, surfactants, and friction reducer produces foam which can help remove water from watered-up gas wells.
DG - Cherry Bomb
Water-soluble sticks containing a combination of surfactants and friction reducer. Natural gas bubbling through the water-column, surfactants, and friction reducer produces foam which can help remove water from watered-up gas wells.
DG - Pink Stick
Water-soluble stick containing a combination of surfactants and friction reducers. Natural gas bubbling through the water-column, surfactants, and friction reducer produces foam, which helps remove water from watered-up gas wells.